Harley VDL x Indorado
Lancearius Eickenrode
General Information
- Name
- Lancearius Eickenrode
- Pedigree
- Harley VDL x Indorado
- Sex
- Stallion
- Year of birth
- 2016
- Color
- Bay
- Studbook
Zaterdagmorgen 23 april mochten wij een hengstveulentje van Harley VDL uit onze NMK-merrie Boracific VDL elite sport-spr v.Indorado verwelkomen. Dit veulentje komt uit stam 474a. Het veulen heeft de naam Lancearius Eickenrode gekregen, Latijn voor lansdrager.
Saturday morning April 23th we welcomed a colt by Harley VDL out of our National Mare Championships-mare Boracific VDL. This foal comes out of Holsteiner line 474a. The foal received the name Lancearius Eickenrode, Latin for spear-carrier.
He is an appealing, high-legged bay foal with powerful movements. Lancearius Eickenrode was rewarded with the first premium at the Foal Inspection of Terschuur and invited to the championship round. Here, he was elected vice-champion of the jumper foals and he earned a ticket to the prestigious National Foal Championships in Ermelo.
Lancearius Eickenrode was sold via Dutch Top Foals Auction / Veulenveiling Midden-Nederland.